

Life is short
and the world is

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Get inspired for your next trip

Guangzhou - what to visit in the city of tradition and future

We had the opportunity to spend a week in the southern part of China. Those seven days gave us an unforgettable experience and taught us that in China you can feel at home and see a lot, but it is very important to be well informed in advance and plan everything in detail.

11 tips for carefree air travel during pregnancy

Whether you're planning a babymoon - the last trip before your family grows or you're flying for work, we have answers to your dilemmas. Read the 11 most common questions pregnant women ask when preparing for air travel.

Where to go for May Day? Five suggestions for your spring trip

In the month between the first signs of spring and the arrival of summer, the urge to travel comes naturally. You can't go wrong with a long weekend in a European city or a trip to the seaside before the crowds arrive.

The perfect weekend getaway to Italy

Especially gorgeous in the spring, Naples and Florence can occupy you for weeks with everything they offer. So let your weekend trip give you at least a briefly feeling of how Italians live their dolce vita, but also a good argument to come again.



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