Air Serbia to increase capacities on New York flights in October

08 September 2020

Air Serbia, the national airline of the Republic of Serbia, will increase its capacities on Belgrade-New York flights and in October it will perform 34 flights, ten more compared to October 2019. During October, passengers will have available 8,636 seats on the flights to The Big Apple, which is a 41.7% increase compared to the 6,096 seats available in the same period last year.

"Due to increased demand, we have decided to increase the capacity on our New York flights. We are very happy that, despite the coronavirus pandemic, this route is still doing well and it has proved to be one of Air Serbia's top routes", said Air Serbia General Manager Commercial and Strategy, Jiri Marek.

Since launching the direct route across the Atlantic in 2016, up until the end of August 2020, Air Serbia has operated a total of 758 return flights. Thanks to the renewal of transatlantic flights, the national flag carrier has reconnected the region with the United States, following a break of almost two and a half decades. Flights on the Belgrade-New York route are operated by an Airbus A330 named after the legendary Serbian scientist and inventor Nikola tesla.




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