Air Serbia increases frequency of flights to Montenegro during holidays

26 April 2021

Air Serbia will be increasing its capacities on flights between Serbia and Montenegro, by introducing additional flights and more than 3,000 additional seats to both Tivat and Podgorica, during 1 May and Easter holidays. In May, the Serbian national airline plans to operate 15 flights a week to Podgorica, with two flights each day, except on Friday, when it will be operating three flights to the Montenegrin capital. The national airline will be flying to Tivat 9 times a week in May, with one flight every day, except for Friday and Sunday, when it will be operating two daily flights.

"We are committed to the Montenegrin market, and it is important for us that, in addition to providing a connection between the two countries, we also provide passengers from Montenegro with a connection to another 28 destinations in our network. We continue to monitor the situation and adapt the volume of traffic to changes in demand," said Jiri Marek, General Manager, Commercial and Strategy, Air Serbia.

Immediately after Montenegro Airlines’ discontinued operations in December 2020, Air Serbia increased the capacities for trips between the two countries and utilized additional resources at airports in Podgorica, Tivat and Belgrade, in order to accommodate all passengers in the new circumstances.

There are currently no travel restrictions between Serbia and Montenegro, and negative PCR tests are not needed in either direction. Air Serbia flights are operated using Airbus A319 and A320 type aircraft, with a greater number of seats.

More information about the activities of the Serbian national airline can be found on the Air Serbia Media Centre web page.




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