Air Serbia recommencing Moscow flights

29 October 2020

The JU 0652 Belgrade-Moscow flight on 9 November will mark Air Serbia's re-establishment of the air connection with Russian Federation. The national airline plans to operate flights from Belgrade to the capital of Russia twice a week, on Mondays at 13:50 and Fridays at 7:30.

The last flight between the Serbian and Russian capitals, prior to the temporary suspension of air traffic due to the coronavirus pandemic, was carried out on 18 March. The Moscow flight tickets are already available for purchase at the national airline’s website.

"We are glad to reintroduce another destination into our network, enabling a direct link between Russia and Belgrade. Given that Russia represents a major and significant market, Moscow is a very important destination for our passengers, for Serbia, and for the whole region," said Jiri Marek, General Manager Commercial and Strategy, Air Serbia.

For Monday flights, Air Serbia passengers will also have access to good connections to Moscow, via Belgrade, from Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Ljubljana, Oslo, Paris, Vienna, Zurich and Zagreb.




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