Ер Србија поново лети за Рим и Милано

30 April 2021

Today, on 30 April, Air Serbia started renewing flights to destinations in Italy with the JU 0530 flight from Belgrade to Rome that took off at 7:10 am. Flights between the Serbian and Italian capitals will be operated two times a week, on Mondays and Fridays.

On 28 May, with the JU 544 flight at 6:15 pm, the national airline will re-establish regular flights to Milan, and it will operate two flights a week on this route, on Mondays and Fridays. It is planned to establish a third weekly flight to both destinations in Italy as of 13 June, which will be operated on Sundays. This will make Air Serbia the only airline to directly connect Serbia and Italy during the summer season.

"We are happy to be re-establishing flights to Italy and adding another destination to our existing network, in addition to Rome, which we already announced. Having in mind that the pandemic is still ongoing, the recommencement of these routes can be considered a great success. Italy represents an extremely important market for us, and our goal is to provide continued and strong connection between Belgrade and Italy, as well as other destinations in Air Serbia’s network," said Jiri Marek, General Manager, Commercial and Strategy at Air Serbia.

The national airline will provide seamless network connectivity from Rome, via Belgrade, to Athens, Bucharest, Dubrovnik, Istanbul, New York, Podgorica, Sarajevo, Skopje, Sofia, Thessaloniki, Split, Tivat and Tirana. Passengers will also have great connections to Rome, via Belgrade, from Athens, Bucharest, Dubrovnik, Istanbul, London, Podgorica, Sarajevo, Skopje, Sofia, Thessaloniki, Tirana and Split.

Air Serbia discontinued direct flights between Belgrade and destinations in Italy in March 2020, due to the situation caused by the global coronavirus pandemic. The routes were renewed the same year in July, but they were once again suspended two weeks later due to the worsened epidemiological situation in Europe.

More information about the activities of the Serbian national airline can be found on the Air Serbia Media Centre web page.

Ред летења ка Риму:

Број лета Место поласка Време поласка Дестинација Време доласка Фреквенција Датум почетка летова
ЈU 0530 Београд (BEG) 07:10 Рим (FCO) 08:45 пет 30. април 2021.
ЈU 0531 Рим (FCO) 09:30 Београд (BEG) 11:05 пет 30. април 2021.
ЈU 0534 Београд (BEG) 18:05 Рим (FCO) 19:40 пон 3. мај 2021.
ЈU 0535 Рим (FCO) 21:00 Београд (BEG) 22:35 пон 3. мај 2021.
ЈU 0534 Београд (BEG) 18:00 Рим (FCO) 19:35 нед 13. јун 2021.
ЈU 0535 Рим (FCO) 20:50 Београд (BEG) 22:25 нед 13. јун 2021.

*Сва времена су локална.

Ред летења ка Милану:

Број лета Место поласка Време поласка Дестинација Време доласка Фреквенција Датум почетка летова
ЈU 0544 Београд (BEG) 18:15 Милано (MXP) 20:00 пет 28. мај 2021.
ЈU 0545 Милано (MXP) 20:45 Београд (BEG) 22:25 пет 28. мај 2021.
ЈU 0540 Београд (BEG) 07:10 Милано (MXP) 08:55 пон 31. мај 2021.
ЈU 0541 Милано (MXP) 09:40 Београд (BEG) 11:20 пон 31. мај 2021.
ЈU 0544 Београд (BEG) 18:15 Милано (MXP) 20:00 пет, нед 11. јун 2021.
ЈU 0545 Милано (MXP) 20:45 Београд (BEG) 22:25 пет, нед 11. јун 2021.

*Сва времена су локална.




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