Biggest call for Air Serbia cabin crew in the last five years

13 February 2023

Air Serbia is announcing a new call for cabin crew members, the biggest one in the last five years, with the plan to select dozens of candidates which will join the Serbian national airline’s team.

The upcoming expansion of Air Serbia’s network in the summer season created the possibility for hiring more young people, as well as experienced candidates, who wish to build their careers in one of the fastest-growing airlines in Europe. Those interested in working as cabin crew for the national airline can apply easily and quickly via the company’s website no later than 24 February 2023.

 “There is great demand for working at Air Serbia. Candidates for different positions reach out to us every day. With the expansion of our operations, a need to expand the cabin crew team arose. That team is very important to us, because its members are in contact with the passengers every day, and they represent the face of the company. With this call, we are opening the airplane doors to those who are ready to offer excellence, precision, and flexibility in everyday work. We will support their commitment and professional interests and allow them further develop through our training programs, with the opportunity to advance within the company. That is why I invite all who love flying and are ready to go beyond their borders, as well as the borders of countries and continents, every day, to apply as soon as possible,” said Milica Netković, GM People and Performance, Air Serbia. 

 All Serbian citizens older than 18 at the time of application can apply by 24 February, with the minimum requirements being a high school education and fluency in speaking and writing English. Knowledge of other languages will be considered a plus. After the first selection, the candidates who are shortlisted will be invited for tests.

 You can find more information about the activities of the Serbian national airline on the Air Serbia Media Centre webpage.




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