Air Serbia enhances baggage handling with new ‘BagJourney’ service

12 September 2017

Air Serbia has launched BagJourney, a global baggage monitoring system for tracking checked luggage at every stage of its journey, from start to finish.

Created by leading aviation technology provider SITA, BagJourney uses data gathered across multiple airports to follow baggage as it is checked-in, sorted, sent through security checks, loaded into containers and onto aircraft, and then delivered at airports.

BagJourney will enable Air Serbia to quickly pinpoint the location of baggage, as well as more easily reunite guests with luggage which has been delayed or mishandled.

Data for the service is currently being gathered at Nikola Tesla Airport in Belgrade and 16 other airports in Air Serbia’s network, including Heathrow in London, Sheremetyevo International Airport in Moscow and John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. The service will be rolled out to remaining airports in the coming months.

The service is also integrated with SITA WorldTracer, an online global baggage tracing and matching system which guests can access to check the status of their baggage.

Declan Keller, Chief Operations Officer at Air Serbia, said: "We’ve introduced a lot of new technology this year to improve our services, and are pleased to launch BagJourney.

With BagJourney, our staff can now track baggage real-time through every stage of travel, pinpoint the last seen location, and resolve baggage delays more quickly.

We know how important on-time baggage delivery is to our guests and are confident that BagJourney will enhance the guest experience."




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