Air Serbia brings Christmas cheer to Belgrade for third consecutive year

22 December 2016

Air Serbia is bringing Christmas cheer to the Serbian capital again in 2016 as it continues to support the City of Belgrade’s “Belgrade Winter” campaign for the third consecutive year, sharing the joys of the holidays with Serbian citizens as well as the increasing number of tourists visiting the city.

The campaign runs until 15 February and includes entertainment and special performances at different locations around the city, with popular bands, musicians and special activities taking place. Air Serbia this year has once again sponsored the Christmas tree in the city centre, as well as two ice skating rinks.

Christmas tree

Air Serbia’s Christmas tree, one of the tallest in the region, will traditionally adorn the center of Belgrade, in Knez Mihailova Street. With its decorations and lights, the 15-metre-tall tree has created a joyous holiday mood in anticipation for the countdown to New Year’s Eve.

Ice rinks

In cooperation with the City of Belgrade, Air Serbia has supported the installation of skating rinks at Tašmajdan Stadium and Nikola Pašić Square. The ice rinks, enjoyed by people of all ages, will ensure that Belgraders feel the holiday magic. They will be open until 15 February.




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