Air Serbia introduces an additional Belgrade - Madrid flight

28 April 2023

Air Serbia will expand its presence in Spain by introducing a third weekly Belgrade-Madrid flight as of 15 May 2023, and for the first time since the establishment of that direct route, it will have a third weekly flight. In addition to flights on Wednesdays and Saturdays, starting in the middle of May, the national airline will operate flights to the Spanish capital on Mondays as well.

“Spain is traditionally an interesting destination for our travellers, whether they travel for tourism or business. Our company flies to five cities in that country and we record a high load factor on all flights. Analysing the market and listening to the needs of our passengers, we decided to introduce another departure during the working week, on Mondays. We believe that the additional flight will allow business travellers to plan their journey more easily, while at the same time increasing the connectivity of the Spanish capital with the rest of our network,” said Bojan Aranđelović, Head of Network Planning and Scheduling at Air Serbia.

Air Serbia began the flights to Madrid and Barcelona in June 2019, while the flights between Belgrade and Malaga, Mallorca, and Valencia were commenced in 2022. Flights to cities in Spain are operated from the Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport and are designed to provide passengers with convenient connections to numerous cities within Air Serbia’s network.

For more information on the activities of the Serbian national airline, please visit Air Serbia Media Centre.




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