Air Serbia makes history with first all-female in-flight crew

10 May 2017

Air Serbia, the national airline of the Republic of Serbia, made history this afternoon when its first all-female flight and cabin crew took to the skies.

The special flight, JU314, departed Belgrade for Paris at 5:05 pm, with Captain Vesna Aleksić and First Officer Mirjana Stojilković at the controls.

Looking after guests on the flight was a team of four female flight attendants including Cabin Senior Mirjana Popović and Cabin Crew Silvija Madić, Elena Ljubojević and Tanja Stanković.

Dane Kondić, Chief Executive Officer of Air Serbia, said: “This is the first flight to be operated with an entirely female crew in the 90 year history of the Serbian flag carrier.

“We congratulate all the crew for being part of this incredible moment and hope it inspires more Serbian women to pursue a career in aviation.”

Air Serbia is a keen proponent of equal opportunity and currently nearly 49% of the total workforce employed across Air Serbia, Air Serbia Catering and Air Serbia Ground Services is female.




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