Air Serbia postpones start of scheduled passenger services by two weeks

13 May 2020

Air Serbia, the national air carrier of the Republic of Serbia, will postpone the start of scheduled flights from the planned 1 June to 15 June, in view of the European Commission’s recommendation regarding the extension of temporary restrictions. As many of the countries affected are served by Air Serbia’s network, the Serb flag carrier is compelled to postpone the start of its anticipated scheduled air services.

Nevertheless, the relaunching of flights to a limited number of destinations (London Heathrow, Frankfurt, Zurich, and Vienna), announced for the period beginning from Monday, 18 May, will go forward as planned. In keeping with the European Commission recommendation, flights to these destinations will be operated at somewhat reduced frequencies than originally planned. Air Serbia is also closely monitoring possible re-opening of the region, and ready to prioritize regional flying and adjust to new opportunities and returning demand within the region.

"Our fleet and our staff are ready to resume scheduled passenger services at any time. The start and scope of our services, however, depend not only on us but on the decisions and guidelines of national, foreign, and international bodies and civil aviation authorities, and on the changes in the travel restrictions valid in the countries we serve. We are closely following the decisions of competent authorities, while adjusting our operation and plans to present conditions", said Duncan Naysmith, Air Serbia CEO.

Earlier, Air Serbia had announced the gradual relaunching of flights after the break caused by the coronavirus pandemic and the various travel restrictions introduced globally. The airline announced changes in its anticipated flight schedule for the 2020 summer season, with reduced frequencies to some and temporary suspension of flights to other destinations.

The Serb national air carrier will keep its passengers informed regarding their bookings and the required safety measures. All information and the updated flight schedule will be available on




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