Air Serbia recommences flights from Kraljevo, adds more flights from Niš

30 June 2020

Today at 8 a.m., with the JU 2602 flight on the Kraljevo-Vienna route, Air Serbia began the recommencement of flights from Kraljevo Morava Airport, the third airport in Serbia from which the Serbian national airline operates flights. At the same time, Air Serbia continues with the reintroduction of operations from the Niš Konstantin Veliki Airport. And so the first flight from Niš to Salzburg has been announced for Wednesday, 1 July, and on Thursday, 2 July, comes the first flight to Hanover since the pause caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

"We are delighted to gradually restart more and more flights and expand our offer on all airports from which we operate flights in Serbia. Flights from Niš and Kraljevo are very important because a large number of residents of South Serbia, West Serbia and Šumadija gravitate towards these cities. All those who decide to fly from Morava and Konstantin Veliki airports with Air Serbia can expect our traditionally good service with affordable prices," said Duncan Naysmith, Air Serbia CEO.

Flights from Kraljevo were established on 17 December last year, with routes between this city and Vienna. As for the recommencement of Air Serbia flights from Niš, it began on 16 June of this year with flights to Frankfurt (Hahn) and Nuremberg.




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