Air Serbia the first to recommence flights to Spain from Serbia

09 July 2020

On 12 July, with Belgrade-Madrid flight, Air Serbia will begin recommencing air transport to Spain, as the first airline to connect Serbia with this popular Mediterranean country again. Only a day later, Air Serbia will start operating flights to Barcelona as well. The national airline first introduced flights to Madrid and Barcelona in June 2019, continuing the tradition of its predecessor, JAT, which operated flights to famous tourist destinations in Spain up until 1998.

"We are glad to rebuild the aerial bridges to Madrid and Barcelona, two destinations which garnered extremely great interest among our passengers as soon as we had introduced them last year. Now we are again able to offer them morning and evening flights, suitable for business and touristic trips," said Jiří Marek, General Manager Commercial and Strategy, Air Serbia.

The national airline will operate flights to the Spanish capital and the big Mediterranean port two times a week, to Madrid on Thursdays and Sundays, and to Barcelona on Fridays and Mondays. Once the flight schedule reaches its full capacity, Air Serbia will also provide good network connectivity from Spain, via Belgrade, to Dubrovnik, Podgorica, Sarajevo, Sofia, Split, Tirana and Tivat.




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