Air Serbia recommences flights to Brussels

27 August 2020

Today, on 27 August, Air Serbia started the gradual recommencement of flights between Belgrade and Brussels. An Airbus A319 airplane of the Serbian national airline departed to the capital of Belgium this morning at 6:45 am. Flights which were discontinued from 28 July until today will in the coming period be operated twice a week, on Thursdays and Sundays. Depending on travel restrictions and demand, Air Serbia is planning to start operating three flights a week to Brussels by 22 September, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.

"I am glad that we have recommenced Brussels flights. The Belgian capital where a number of the most important institutions of the European Union are located is a very important destination for Air Serbia. In combination with our regional network, Brussels became once again more accessible," says Jiri Marek, General Manager Commercial and Strategy, Air Serbia.

Brussels flight tickets can be purchased from the national airline at the price of EUR 64 each way. Flights from Belgrade will be operated on Thursday at 6:45 am and Sunday at 5:15 pm. The Serbian and Belgian capitals are 1371 kilometres apart, and the flight on this route lasts 2 hours and 20 minutes.




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