Air Serbia allows travel date change free of charge

01 October 2020

Reacting to passengers demands, Air Serbia has decided to extend the campaign of free travel date change, making this option available to all who book flights until 15 October 2020. As before, this benefit that makes planning trips significantly easier will be valid for all destinations in the Serbian national airline’s network, except New York, and will apply to all flights until 31 March 2021.

"We are happy that this initiative was received very well by passengers, which is expected, considering how difficult it has become to plan trips due to the coronavirus pandemic. By extending the duration of the campaign, we are once again showing that our passengers’ needs and comfort when planning trips are our main priorities," said Jiri Marek, General Manager Commercial and Strategy at Air Serbia.

Flight dates can be rescheduled an unlimited amount of times, up until one day before the flight, and if the originally booked fare is not available on the new date, the passengers can pay the difference to the next available fare.




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