Air Serbia to extend flights to three Russian destinations throughout October

26 August 2021

Air Serbia, the national airline of the Republic of Serbia, due to good results achieved during the summer season, decided to extend the period during which it will fly to three destinations in the Russian Federation – Saint Petersburg, Krasnodar, and its new destination Rostov-on-Don. Even though it was initially planned to operate flights until the end of September, it was decided to continue them until the end of the summer season, i.e. until the end of October and subject to further developments regarding the demand and travel restrictions, Air Serbia will decide on possible flying to these three destinations during the forthcoming winter season, as well.

Air Serbia plans to operate nearly 500 flights and carry about 60,000 passengers between Belgrade and its four destinations in the Russian Federation from the start of the year until the end of August. The load factor on the routes is over 80%.

Serbian national airline will continue flying to its destinations in Russia at the same dynamic – up to eight times a week to Moscow and twice a week to Saint Petersburg, Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don.

“We are happy with the success achieved with our services to the Russian Federation, as it indicates the promptness in adjusting to changes on the market. Rostov-on-Don is the third completely new destination in our network since the beginning of the pandemic, which is an additional reason to be satisfied with the results of this well-thought-out, but also very brave, decision. We continue to monitor the global situation and we react quickly to all changes in travel restrictions in order to use every opportunity and offer as many options as possible to our passengers,” said Jiri Marek, General Manager Commercial and Strategy at Air Serbia.

Due to high demand among passengers from the region and the Russian Federation, Air Serbia boosted the frequency of its Moscow service in May, and restored the temporarily suspended flights to Krasnodar and Saint Petersburg in early June, as well as launched a new service to Rostov-on-Don. Thanks to direct flights to four important economic, industrial and cultural centres of Russia, the Serbian airline represents the main gateway for travelling to our region and beyond for passengers from the world’s biggest country.

More information about the activities of the Serbian national airline can be found on the Air Serbia Media Centre web page.




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