17 August 2020 Travel Smart
Lost baggage and what you can do about it
Your baggage is lost. It happens. To everyone. Once. The statistics are comforting, it only happens to 2 % of all passengers.
But how comforting are statistics if it happens to you?
Here’s what you can do to prevent it:
- Label you baggage; write your name, last name, e-mail and phone number... IG profile, whatever, just write it neatly so other people can read it
- Close your bag well – we suggest using a small lock
- Photograph your baggage – if it gets lost you can add the photo to your "Lost & Found" claim and make it easier for them to find it
- If you’re really worried, you can place a GPS locator and follow the movement of your baggage
What should you pack in your hand baggage so you don’t despair while you wait for your luggage to be found?
- Phone charger
- Change of clothes
- Personal hygiene products
And don’t worry, don’t rush to go shopping, in most cases lost baggage is returned within 48 – 72 hours.
If not, here is who to contact - Delayed or lost baggage
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