Air Serbia carries over 300,000 passengers in May

02 June 2023

During May, Air Serbia carried 335,363 passengers in scheduled and charter traffic, and thus for the first time since it has been operating under its current name, it exceeded the number of 300,000 passengers in that month. This means that the Serbian national airline had an 83% increase compared to the same month of the previous year. Compared to the pre-pandemic, record-breaking year of 2019, this is a 66% increase. Via its main hub, Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, as well as the airports in Niš and Kraljevo, Air Serbia operated 3,708 flights in May 2023, which is a 69% increase compared to May 2022, and a 48% increase compared to the same month in 2019.

“Our company achieved a new historic milestone in May. During that month, over 300,000 passengers placed their trust in us, and we are proud of that. For eleven consecutive months, since July 2022, we have been breaking our own records in terms of the number of passengers carried and flights operated. During these months, we have even eclipsed the 2019 figures. Furthermore, in May, we launched nine new routes, including Chicago, our second destination in North America and our third long-haul destination. This is of major significance for us, our passengers, and the entire Western Balkans region. We will strive to continue the trend of growth and improvement of our network in the upcoming period,” said Jiri Marek, CEO of Air Serbia.

The most popular destinations in Air Serbia's network in Western Europe in May were Zurich, Paris, and Rome. In terms of closer destinations, Athens and Istanbul were the most popular, while Podgorica and Tivat were the most popular choices in the region.

You can find more information about the activities of the Serbian national airline on the Air Serbia Media Centre webpage.




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